In 2023/24 we presented to five organizations (around 300 people) about the worthiness of all humans, including those with intellectual and developmental diff-abilities™. Our talk encourages people to be brave and go after their goals.

In 23/24 we gave away over 35 Worthy Grad Acceptance packages including an uplifting letter, t-shirt and giant flag – see it here. These packages are given as a good will effort to encourage special grads to dream big, work hard and be confident knowing they are accepted and loved.

In April 2024 we awarded the first-ever Worthy Turtle Best Effort Awards totaling $1,500. This was the first time these students with cognitive and developmental diff-abilities™ had an opportunity to win a financial award. Three grads received $500 each along with a personalized recognition letter and Worthy Turtle merch. Learn more here.


In 2024 we created 20 hours of paid employment for two people with intellectual and developmental diff-abilities. Together we prepped merch (folding, hanging, tagging) as well as identified new styles/ideas/colors for our fall collection. Our dream is to offer even more opportunities in the future, we can’t wait!


In May 2024 we joined the amazing Ambassadors of Mi Work Matters to speak with businesses about the value of hiring people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD).

In August 2024, we began selling Worthy Turtle merch at in-person retailer Bizzy Buzz Artisan Market.

And, we are feeling so good!

Turns out you can’t help others without helping yourself, it’s so cool!

The Worthy Turtle Impact Report 2023/24

Here are 3 ways you can help …

1. Wear or share our merch – makes a great gift!

2. Refer us to speak.

3. Keep being the kind, wonderful person that you are, THANK YOU!